- Exploring the Practical Aspect of Dhamma: A Path to Happiness and Peace

3 min readFeb 15, 2023
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silhouette-of-trees-593227/

The practical essence of Dhamma involves sīla, samādhi, and paññā.

Living a morally upright life at a physical and vocal level, achieving mastery over the mind through samādhi, and purifying the mind with paññā — this constitutes the practical aspect of Dhamma. Such practice is sanditthiko, meaning that it can be seen for oneself, and akāliko, meaning that it yields results in the present moment.

As the mind abandons its vices and becomes pure, gentle, and humble, it becomes a source of personal welfare. It becomes an instrument for realizing one’s own self-interest in the truest sense. As the mind relinquishes its wickedness, one avoids causing harm to others, however small it may be. This liberation from egotism alleviates the stress and strain of life, leading to happiness and freedom from misery.

With a pure and straightforward mind, one can do virtuous deeds, speak well, and attain peace. The mind filled with mettā, or fellowship, extends goodwill to all beings in all directions, bringing them happiness, freedom from trouble, disease, and misery.

May the message of Dhamma reach more and more people, and may they practice it to find happiness and peace. Such a practice creates a wholesome atmosphere that benefits all beings. Meditators…




Cosmologist | Engineer | Aspiring Polymath. Embrace change. Meditation, mental models, and lifelong learning. Philosophy. AI. Physics. Cosmology.